Initialization & Configuration for Liferay Setup on remote server

/ != /root

/tmp is a location for temporary folder which has all permissions 777. It is a good place to import files from external system.

/opt is where to keep custom or manual applications.(Liferay, DA)

/home is where a user is

Run to upload file to server (-r : recursively copy)
 scp -r root@

(ran it on Ubuntu)

In Putty(terminal), go to /tmp

apt-get update (refresh the repo)
apt-get install unzip
mv liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga5/ ../opt/

 systemctl status mysql : to check mysql status

systemctl start mysql
 systemctl stop mysql

Go into mysql server and 

create database lportal character set utf8;


For java (make sure it is not open jdk since it does not meet requirements for liferay)

1. Add the PPA
add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java (anywhere cuz it is globally installed)

2. apt-get update

* Whenever adding the PPA, make sure to update repo by running "apt-get update" (anywhere I am it works globally)

3. apt install oracle-java8-installer  (javac -version)

4.apt install oracle-java8-set-default (after this command, you can check java -version)


# Configure JDBC in properties file

1. get vim first 
apt-get install vim

2. go to tomcat/bin

chmod +x * : make all the files in this dir executable since they are interacting each other to run a server

sh && tail -f ../logs/catalina.out : run two cmd at the same time

sh == ./ ( is to run the server)
tail -f ../logs/catalina.out : to see all tomcat logs 

(ctl + c : exit from tail)

sh && tail -f ../logs/catalina.out

(later on, change dns server in godaddy to point to 8080


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