
Showing posts from December, 2018

Getting Users / Deployment, AWS SES Setup

Get List of USers GET : localhost:8080/users?page=1&limit=50  (passed as url query parameter) @RequestParam is more useful on a traditional web application where data is mostly passed in the query abatements  while @PathVariable is more suitable for RESTful web services where URL contains values  e.g. http://localhost:8080/book/9783827319333, here data, which is ISBN number is part of URI. 1. controller getUSers 2. service 3. repository 4. postman LOGIN ->  GET with the above url   WITH or WITHOUT limit Deploying an app in remote server using maven 1. Go to properties after right clicking the project. 2. Check the loaction of the project 3. In your Command line, go to the above location ex) cd D:\t-projects\je\workspace\firstProject 4. type 'dir' to list the files contained. you should see 'pom.xml' in the root folder of the project, which means you can use maven command to run the app without using spring tool su...

Troubleshooting - Last day of work in 2018

The above error in console means that the classes in are not accessible. The probable cause of this issue is either the mismatch version of dependencies, or unexported package from Liferay Api. If the version of dependencies defined in build.gradle matches the version bundled in liferay 7.1(can be figured out through App Manager under Configuration), the next step is to look into export-package list in bnd.bnd in Liferay Api Only the packages listed in 'Export-Package' can be accessible, and there is no other way around to access to unexported package outside. (That is how OSGI works) If you do really want to access this portal-search-web, you can remove this default module from OSGI and re-build a new portal-search-web with your customization which requires lots of work. In the case of overriding JSP, there is no need to do the aforementioned way. It can be done by the JSP overrides using OSGI fragm...

Failed to export packages / not accessible might be caused by the mismatch version of dependency, so make sure to use the right version bundled on Liferay 7.1

Liferay Component


git pull vs git fetch and merge


Clean up Liferay DXP

1. 'temp' under tomcat 2. 'inside' of work under tomcat ( never delete work folder) 3. 'state' under osgi

Liferay Patching Tool - Installation

Liferay provides patching-tool utility to update latest fix packs provided by the liferay. There are two steps involved in configuring the Liferay patch : 1. Configure the patching tool 2. Install the patch Configuring the patching tool : 1. Download the patching-tool from liferay and extract to your liferay-home folder 2. The patching-tool directory will look like below : 3. Navigate to the patching-tool directory and run the following command : -> pathing-tool info  and you would see the below message -> patching-tool auto-directory -> patching-tool setup Installing the Patch 1. Copy fix packs (should be zip format) to "patches" directory, I copied liferay-fix-pack-dxp-3-7110 and pasted it in the patches folder 2. Stop the Liferay server and run the below command for installing all patches copied in patches directory patching-tool install 3. Now, run the command patching-tool info  and it will show the patches installed som...

Creating and cloning repo

Go to :  and create new repo Check -> Initialize this repository with a README and Click "Create Repository" It will redirect to the main page of  the created repository. On the top right side, click "Clone or Download" and copy the URL. Open Git Bash and change the path to where your project is. ex) /c/testtest/firstProject  type -> git clone copiedURL type -> git status type -> git add * type -> git status type ->  git commit -m "first commit" -------------------------------------------------------------------- commit to local history type -> git push

Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) US East (N. Virginia)

Dec 6 Troubleshooting

D:\vd-projects\ipc-eclipse-workspace : Eclipse workspace D:\vd-projects\ipc-migration  : Liferay workspace gradlew.bat file in ipc-migration enables running gradle command, but the location of the file should be a base point. For instance, D:\vd-projects\ipc-migration\modules\ipcc-bookmarks-portlet>..\..\gradlew deploy. (Notice that it is backward slash, not forward slash!!! -- window recognizable) 2.  Spring MVC Portlet vs Liferay MVC Portlet Spring MVC portlet is completely different from Liferay MVC portlet and it should be kept as a war file in 'wars' folder, instead of 'modules'


Eclipse workspace should be separated from Liferay workspace, otherwise it would cause issues in building path for gradle setup. currently working on portlet migration between 6.2 and 7.1 which involves - refactoring codes for the deprecated APIs, or newly added services. - conversion from Maven to Gradle (mainly pom.xml to build.gradle)  - it also demands extra work for dependency upgrade - replacing xml files with property cofiguration inside @Component (OSGI way) -  moving import declarations in view.jsp to init.jsp no clue how to convert web-service references ...........salgjsalkjfgweqoifh ieqrjglnkqwgvas Level of difficulty is getting harder and harder......OMFG