Prevent users with unverified email address from logging in
(not able to sign in with unverified email )

1. modify the return value of loadUserByUsername() in UserServiceImpl

2. Create a new user and try to sign in without Email verification step

Add code to send email
1. Create AmazonSES under shared package

-check contact path in properties file for verification link

2. add code to CreateUser in UserServiceimpl
3. test Creating user (with the verified email if you have not moved out of aws sandbox.) internet needed.
4. check email

Reset Password

1. requestReset in User controller
2. create PasswordResetRequestModel in Request package
3. add resetPassword to RequestOperationName
4. implement resetPassword logic in service layer
5. implement generatePasswordResetToken in Utils

Creaet PasswordResetTokenEntity & Password Reset Repo


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