In Liferay Instance, remove 'state' in osgi & 'work' in tomcat to remove all histories. GoGoShell is for checking the current state of each jar files in modules. pen cmd as admin and type 'telnet localhost 11311' lb : list all the jar files with state stop 70 (jar file numner) / start 70 (uninstall 70 but for deletion, it would be better to delete jar file from module folder physically) )
Within the EDIT portlet mode, a portlet should provide content and logic that lets a user customize the behavior of the portlet Typically, portlets in EDIT portlet mode will set or update portlet preferences. Add the following properties to the MVCPortlet component annotation. "javax.portlet.portlet-mode=text/html;edit" "javax.portlet.init-param.edit-template=/edit.jsp" And then If you go into the grid button on the portlet, 'Preference' option will appear which redirects you to edit.jsp
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